Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Here's my first effort :)

And it's of my very own Labradum - Kiley :)....What's a Labradum you ask?   Well, it's a labrador that is gorgeous and sweet, but not all that bright :)  Who in the world gave her that name you ask?  Our friend CWW gave it to her when he was trying ...yes I said trying to train her.  The fact that a person that trains dogs to be assistance dogs couldn't do much with my dog....well....that's why we call her our beloved labradum :)

There she is, on the right.  Yeah, I know I didn't detail the ears, but gimme a break it's my first try :).

Below are the different formats in which I saved the silhouette of her gorgeous head :)

If you want this design in a format I have not listed, leave me a comment and I will add it when I can.

Happy sewing :)